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Short Wave communication uses radio waves propagated in the Earth's atmosphere, and is independent of any infrastructure
like ISPs, servers, satellites, telephone lines or fiber needed for the operation of the Internet. In times of crisis like after the
upcoming Pole Shift, Short Wave Communication can be used for global voice communication as well as a primitive
Internet replacement using Packet Radio communication. Short Wave Communication skills must be acquired before the
Pole Shift through Ham Radio courses and licensing, including Morse Code which is required for operating privileges on
the HF bands required for international communication. TT Members are encouraged to acquire such skills and licenses for
pre-Pole Shift practicing and acquisition of the necessary equipment.
The project will test and advise upon equipment needed for Packet Radio communication, test the various Packet Radio
protocols and agree on a common standard for post-Pole Shift communication, arrange IRC Chats, communications tests,
and establish the necessary Short Wave Communication between the project members before the Pole Shift. Web based
Self-Study classes and practice sessions have been developed to assist novices during their Ham training. Tests, equipment
recommendations and guidelines for post-Pole Shift communications will be posted at this site as they are developed.
A YahooGroup has been established as described below.
- Group Description:
- This group addresses the need for Short Wave communication among TT Members after the upcoming Pole Shift, and the preparations necessary for using Ham Radio as a substitute for the Internet. See our home page: http://www.zetatalk3.org/radio for further details.
- Group email addresses:
- Post Message tt-radio@yahoogroups.com
Subscribe http://groups.yahoo.com/group/tt-radio/join/
Web Reading http://groups.yahoo.com/group/tt-radio/
Contact Jan.