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Re: Planet X Sighting Efforts 1

In Article <> Jim Trivia (JTRIV) wrote:
> Nancy Lieder wrote:
>>  When IRAS scientists first saw the mystery body
>>  and calculated that it could be as close as 50 billion
>>  miles, there was some speculation that it might be
>>  moving toward Earth. "It's not incoming mail,"
>>  Cal Tech's Neugebauer said. "I want to douse that
>>  idea with as much cold water as I can."
> That is pretty simple, the object did not move 
> in 6 months. They detected an extremely cold 
> object, a non-moving object and could verify 
> that it was not inbound. 

Just how could then confirm that it was NOT inbound?  It was stationary,
did not seem to move, so they had the motion down pat? If it is coming
right AT them, then motion, per se, is not detectable. 

In the words of the Zetas:

    The path of the comet is dead on. It is aiming for 
    your Sun, and you are so very close to your Sun. 
    The Earth's movements to this side or that are slight, 
    in the scheme of things, and give to the comet an 
    almost imperceptible wobble at best.
        ZetaTalkā„¢, Comet Visible

It was an extremely cold object?  Temperature is a factor of distance
and size.  I you stand across the room and I am ignorant about how far
away you are, or your size or composition, I can say, per the
temperature reading, that you are:
1. a human across the room
2. an elephant out in the yard
3. a metal works factory, furnaces roaring, a mile away
4. etc.

They chose to take the far away option. Less scary.